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燕麥吃多會肥?!😱 我每次這樣說的時候,每一個人臉都瞬間變成這個emoji😱。屁啦! Vita 你騙我,燕麥明明就很健康,那個某某跟某某健身網紅都嗎這樣說! 的確,常常看到健康達人或是網紅們分享吃燕麥的好處,它含有豐富的維生素B群、E及鐵、鋅、鎂等礦物質,尤其當中的膳食纖維,能增加飽足感又有利於排便。 因此不少人認為它的纖維質多,熱量應該比較低,所以『多吃』沒有關係。但其實是錯的! 燕麥本身也有熱量,1碗白米飯與1碗熟燕麥,熱量差不多都是280大卡,如果吃太多,身體無法利用過多的熱量時,也一樣會胖! 試想,你為了減肥不敢吃白米飯,卻在那邊拼命地吃燕麥,而且可能還吃的都是含了麥芽糊精、果糖、高油的加工燕麥!母湯喔🙅🏻‍♀️ 若你正在減脂~ ❌燕麥早餐地雷組合:加工燕麥+牛奶+水果+堅果+果乾 我常常收到你們私訊問我:『Vita我的早餐很健康喔,都是吃以上這種組合,怎麼體脂還是麥丁麥動,一點想要往要降的意願都沒有😭。』 當然不會降囉,因為這樣的組合是高糖、高碳水、高脂的地雷啊。💣 燕麥是碳水(高升糖兩大匙約30克= 1/4碗白飯熱量。加工調味燕麥可能更高) 果乾是碳水(高升糖) 水果是碳水(高升糖) 牛奶(乳糖) 堅果(脂肪)一日建議量不超過五顆,不然熱量爆表!我自己是不吃超過3顆,你若抓一把放,我會搖頭說母湯。🤦🏻‍♀️ 💚那到底怎麼健康吃又不會發胖呢? ✔️選擇剛切燕麥(steel cut oats): 它是燕麥中加工程度最少,保持最完整的纖維及營養,升糖指數最低,讓你可以獲取燕麥中最高品質的營養。我通常是用水煮,你也可以用無糖豆漿。 ✔️搭配組合: 低脂無糖希臘優格(蛋白質) 乳清蛋白粉(蛋白質) 泡過水的奇亞籽1大匙(含有豐富纖維和蛋白質) 脂肪:無糖純杏仁醬(1茶匙)、或5顆無調味堅果 ✔️水果:我會選擇低糖的藍莓、綠色奇異果、覆盆子。水果擁有纖維酵素,適量食用對身體有益,但果糖是脂肪肝的頭號敵人,所以一日量我不會超過掌心大。 ✔️肉桂粉:撒上肉桂粉不但會增添風味,讓你有吃甜食的錯覺,它可以增加新成代謝並有降血糖、將血脂的好處。但孕婦忌、及患病者,請依照醫師或營養師指示服用。 💚為什麼減脂期間我會提高⬆️蛋白質的量,減少⬇️糖分(碳水)的攝取。 因為蛋白質跟碳水相比,人體需要燃燒更多的能量,及更多的時間來消化吸收蛋白質,所以,提高蛋白質的量不但會延長你飽足的時間,更會增加你燃脂的機會。 而碳水因為會抓住身上的水分,所以,一旦你的碳水量一降低,你會先排水消水腫。這也就是為什麼減脂初期你不吃澱粉,馬上就可以瘦個幾公斤,但其實,瘦的都只是水分,並非真正的脂肪! 💚吃燕麥吃錯會胖,這裡有兩部影片跟你分享: 從6:50~8:45開始看 https://youtu.be/NQm9jqhoZ0Y 以下這部是我最愛的一位營養師上傳的,她講解的非常清楚 https://youtu.be/7YW-j5YXLzU 💚水果不能吃多: 從11:01開始看 https://youtu.be/M4chH0nEvRs 🖤Oatmeal makes me FAT? ! I often received your message asking me: Vita, I am having oat for breakfast, I thought it supports to be very healthy but how came my fat % still so high? 😭 Indeed, Oats are rich in vitamin B complex, E, and minerals such as iron, zinc, and magnesium. In particular, the dietary fiber in it can increase satiety and defecating. Therefore, many people think that it is high in fibres and low in calories, so "eat more" does not matter. Might you, Oatmeal isn’t free of calories, so if you eat too much of it, it’s just as likely to cause fat gain as any other food, especially if you load up your bowl with calorie-rich extras such as milk, fruit, nuts & dried fruit. ☝️Here is why your so-called healthy breakfast bowl might cause you a fat gain! Oats are carbs (30 grams = 1/4 bowl of rice calories. Processed & flavored oats will have higher calories!) Dried fruit is sugar Fruit is sugar Milk (lactose is sugar!) Nuts (high in nutritions but also high in calories) 💚How to eat oats to avoid FAT GAIN? ✔️Choose steel cut oats: It is the least processed oats which it remains the most complete fibre and nutrition, and the lowest glycemic index, allowing you to obtain the highest quality nutrition in oats. I usually cook it with water. ✔️Extras: Protein: Low-fat & low carbs Greek yogurt Protein: Whey protein powder Fibre & Protein: 1 tablespoon of soaked chia seeds Fat: 5 Raw nuts or 100% pure almond butter ✔️Fruit: I prefer low-sugar blueberries, green kiwis, and raspberries. Fruits contain fiber enzymes, and eating them in moderation is good for the body, but fructose is the number one enemy of fatty liver, so the daily amount will not exceed the palm of my hand. ✔️Cinnamon powder: Sprinkle with cinnamon powder will not only add flavor and give you the illusion of eating sweets, it can increase new metabolism, lower blood sugar, and reduce blood fat. However, pregnant women will need to consult with your doctor or dietitian. 💚Why do I increase ⬆️ protein? Compared with carbohydrate, your body needs to burn more energy and take more time to digest and absorb protein. Therefore, increasing the amount of protein will not only prolong your satiety, but also increase your chances of burning fat. #燕麥 #燕麥粥 #瘦身減肥 #燕麥早餐 #fatlosstips #減肥餐 #減脂餐 #fatlosstips #fatlossmotivation #oatmealbowl #oatsforbreakfast #oatsmeal #健康飲食 #健康瘦身 #減肥方法 #減肥菜單 #減脂肪

燕麥吃多會肥?!😱 我每次這樣說的時候,每一個人臉都瞬間變成這個emoji😱。屁啦! Vita 你...